Browse Items
- A1 model
- A1 model; asset; chi-square; household; gender asset gap; statistical analysis; women
- academic achievement
- academic performance
- academic writing
- Access
- access and inclusion
- accessibility
- accountability
- accountability and control
- accounting and auditing
- achievement motivation
- adaptability
- Adaptation
- adequate/ inadequate fertilizer
- administration
- administrative adjudication
- administrative and intellectual prominence and currency
- administrative authority
- Administrative Justice Act
- Administrative law
- administrative process
- adverse administrative action
- advocacy
- Affective organisational commitment
- Affective organizational commitment gender.
- Africa
- Age
- agrarian reform
- agricultural analysis
- Agricultural Extension
- Agriculture
- AI chatbot
- aid
- airport service
- albinism
- altruism
- Amarunthus cruentus
- analysis
- and chain of authorit
- and court controls.
- and dissertation and thesis research proposal and writing processes.
- and district
- and evaluation.
- and firm performance
- and good performance
- and governmental planning
- and increasingly particularized.
- and institutional framework.
- and integration process
- and logical reasoning
- and MBO technique
- and organisational performance
- and organized society
- and paradigm for governance
- and policy – making
- and six main categories
- and synonymous
- and systematic synthesis
- and values
- and wider connotation
- Animal genetic
- AnkomRF gas production
- answers
- aphid mortality
- approaches
- Artificial Intelligence
- assets
- assurance
- atrazine
- attainment of the millenium development goals
- Attitude
- attitudes
- authenticity
- authoritarian government
- authoritarianism and totalitarianism
- authoritative rules
- availability
- avoidance
- axiology
- Banking and finance
- Banking Concept
- basic concept
- basic concepts and principles
- Beira
- Benchmarking
- Ber
- bilingual deaf education
- Bindura dwelle
- Birth status
- birth trauma
- Birth weight
- blanching
- Board diversity
- Board Size
- Body weight
- Borrowing
- Botanical pesticides
- Breed Stage of lactation
- Breeds
- budget
- budget formulation
- budgetary cycle
- Bullying
- business environment
- Business management
- business viability
- Business-IT alignment
- cabbage farming
- cafeteria approach
- Capacity
- Capital Flows
- Carcass
- Carcass Meat
- carcass traits
- Cattle breeding
- Causes
- central and indispensable.
- Central Region
- centralised framework
- Cereal production
- Challenges
- challenges and benefits.
- change.
- Chaos Theory
- checklist
- chemical composition
- Chief Executive Officers
- child development
- children
- Cholera outbreak
- Christian
- circuit
- citizenship education
- civic organizations and Zimbabwe
- civic society
- classification framework
- classroom management
- Clearing agents
- Cleome Gynandra
- Climate change
- Cloud Based Records
- Cloud computing
- co-option
- Cognitive skill development
- coherence
- collaborative learning
- collective term
- Collectivism
- Commercialization
- commodity clusters
- common beans
- common law principles
- common needs
- communal beef cows
- Communal Farmers
- Community based
- Community dymamics
- Community participation
- community peace
- community resources centres
- competitive advantage
- compliance
- composition
- comprehensive authority and involuntary membership
- confidentiality
- conflict
- conflict resolution
- conflict resolution.
- confrontation
- conidia germination
- connectivity
- Conservation agriculture
- Constitution
- Constraints
- consumption
- content analysis
- conventional agriculture
- Conveyor belt marking
- coping mechanisms
- Corporate governance
- corporate social responsibility
- corruption
- Corruption and Print media
- Cost
- costs and benefits
- Counselling
- Coverage
- Covid-19
- COVID-19 pandemic
- cowpea
- craft competency
- craft literacy
- credit
- Crisis Ridden Community.
- Crop
- Crop Livestock
- Crop Production
- Crop residues
- Crossbred dairy cow
- Crossbreeding
- CSFs for PPP
- CTs
- Cultural Impact
- curing
- curriculum
- curriculum implementation
- Curriculum reforms and implementations
- custom
- dairy production
- Darrheal diseases
- deaf
- Debt
- Decentralisation
- decisions
- deforestation
- defusion
- delegation
- Demand Driven Extension
- democracy
- democratic societies
- Dentition
- Derivative Markets
- Derivative usage
- descriptive approach
- designing
- Desmodium uncinatum
- desulphated sinigrin glucosinolate
- detasselled.
- Determinants of board diversity
- Detrimental effects
- Developing countries
- development
- development planning
- Devolved Funds
- DHS program
- diabetic
- diary animals
- differences
- different units and levels
- diffusion
- diffusion and adoption
- digestible
- digital financial inclusion
- digital financial inclusion; risk-coping
- digital learning environment
- digitisation
- digitisation; records and archives
- digitisation; records and archives; integrated systems; centralised framework; university records
- dilemma
- direction and control
- disabilities
- Disability
- disability and policy
- Disaster Risk
- discipline
- disclosure
- discourse
- discrimination
- Distance Education
- Distance learning
- distance learning.
- Diversity
- divorce
- Document Analysis
- Domestic
- Domestic resource mobilization
- dry period pregnancy
- drying
- drying method
- e-governance
- E-Government
- e-learning
- e-learning system
- e-learning technologies
- E-procurement
- early blight
- Early Childhood Development
- Early maturing cultivars
- echnical and vocational subjects
- Eco-criticism
- Ecological Balance
- Economic Growth
- economic household model
- economic planning
- Economy
- Education
- Education 5.0
- Education Expenditure
- educational assessment
- Educational Infrastructure
- educational leadership
- Educational management
- edutainment
- effective use
- effectiveness
- Effectiveness of human rights
- electoral process
- Electronic resource
- Electronic resources
- electronic resources usage
- empathy
- empiricism
- employability skills
- employee and institutional needs
- Employee retention
- employees
- employment
- Employment creation
- empowering
- Empowerment
- enactment and execution
- endogenous growth model
- energy
- Enterprenuership
- environment
- Environmental Conservation
- Environmental differences
- Environmentalism
- Equality
- equitable
- establishment and coordination
- evaluate and proposed governmental activities
- evaluative judgement
- examination processes
- excellence
- experiences
- experiences. Inclusion
- extension
- Factors
- factors and point of view.
- facts
- fair hearing and unbiased
- farm schools
- farmer
- fast track land reform programme
- feeling of solidarity and delegation of authority
- Financial Development
- Financial Development Indicators
- Financial Efficiency
- financial resource mobilisation programmes
- financial resource mobilisation projects/programmes
- financial sustainability
- financing gap
- firm characteristics
- Firm Performance
- first language of the Deaf
- foe
- Food insecurity
- Food production
- food security
- Forage
- foretell the future
- freedom of people
- fresh water
- fruit colour
- fruits
- fulltime lecturers and support staff
- functional alignment
- futures contracts
- Gender
- gender approach
- gender equity
- Gender inequalities
- Gender inequality
- Gender training
- Gender. Agriculture
- Generalised Linear
- Genetic improvement
- Genotype
- German 11
- gian
- glass ceilings
- globalization
- Goat
- Goat production
- Goats
- governance
- Government
- Government Artificial Intelligent Readiness Index
- government institutions
- governmental operations
- grade seven
- grade seven examinations
- Graduate Students
- gross domestic product
- Groundnut cultivar natal common
- Growth
- growth hormone
- Growth traits
- Gweru community
- Gweru Memorial Library
- Gweru public libraries
- Harare street vendor
- hard of hearing
- harvesting stage
- Hazard
- health sciences
- hearing people
- hierarchy
- high performance liquid chromatography
- higher education
- HIV and AIDS
- HIV and AIDS workplace policy
- HIV prevention
- HIV/AIDS education teaching
- Home background
- hours after application
- household
- Human Resources
- human rights
- Human Rights Support Programmes
- ICT materials
- ICTs
- impact
- implementation
- In-row spacing
- Inclusion
- income inquality
- income stream
- income-disparity
- incomesecurity
- Indeginous Knowledge Systems
- Indigenous
- Indigenous cattle
- Indigenous chicken
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Indigenous Knowledge Systems
- indigenous Matebele Goat
- indispensable activity
- individual needs
- induction and new employees
- industrial parks
- infodensity
- informal sector
- information
- information and communication technologies (ICTs)
- information centres
- information for authors
- information management
- information needs
- Information policy
- information science scholars
- information systems
- Information Technology (IT)
- Infrastructural Support
- infrastructure
- Inmates
- innovation
- innovation hubs
- innovative
- institutional and income factors
- institutional arrangements
- integral component manpower
- integrate and fragmentary knowledge
- integrated systems
- integrity
- interchangeable and synonymous
- intercropping
- internally generated revenue
- Intervention
- Interventionist
- inventory management
- Investigation
- Irish potato varieties
- IT governance
- IT Project Management
- judicial review
- Kenya
- key financial indicators
- Keywords
- Keywords: Traditional institutions
- knowledge
- Knowledge economy
- knowledger management
- labour welfare
- Lactation length
- land acquisition
- Land Degradation
- land policy
- land reform
- Land Reform Programme
- Lantana leaf extract
- LC50
- leadership
- Leadership Theories
- leadership.
- leafstripped
- learner
- learners
- learners with disabilities
- Learning
- legislation
- Legumes
- lessons learnt
- libraries
- Library and information services
- library media centre
- library resources and services
- library usage
- Life-Long Learning
- Linear body measurements
- Listed firms
- litter size
- live-weight
- Livelihood
- livelihoods
- Livestock
- Livestock production
- Loans
- lobbying
- Local authorities
- Logistic Regression
- logit regression model
- lucrative
- m-learning
- machine vision
- maize
- Male circumcision
- management
- manure
- marginality
- marginalized
- marital conflicts
- Markers
- market access
- marketing
- Marriage
- Mashonaland Centra
- materials handling
- Mberengwa
- meaningfulness
- Meat
- Meat parameters
- Meat production
- Media
- medical male circumcision
- mentee
- mentor
- mentoring
- metaphysics
- methods
- MFT influence
- Micro livestock
- Microbial protein
- Midlands
- Midlands library
- milk
- milk production
- milk yield
- Milking
- Milking frequency
- millennium development goals
- Mini livestock
- Mining Sector
- Mitigation
- Mixed crop–livestock production
- Mkoba
- Mobile banking
- mobile infrastructure
- mobile learning
- Mobile money
- mobile processes
- models
- Modern Learning Organisations
- Moringa oleifera leaf
- Moringa oleifera leaf extract
- Moringa oleifera leaves
- Mortality
- motivation
- Mozambique
- Mucuna pruriens
- multi-disciplinary skills
- multinational corporations
- MyVista
- national development
- Natural biodiversity
- natural rights
- Naturalised fruit
- nature; primary school; circuit
- neuropsychological development
- nformation and communication technologies
- Nigeria
- Nitrogen retention
- non-formal workers
- Non-genetic factors
- non-governmental organisations
- normativism and logical positivism
- Nutrition
- Nutrition gardens
- Nutritional requirements
- Offender
- Online
- online learning
- open access. women
- Open and Distance
- Open and Distance Leaning university
- Open and Distance Learning
- Open Distance Learning (ODL)
- openness and transparency
- operational integration
- operational performance
- Opportunities
- orestry commission
- Organic fertilizer
- organisation
- Organisational commitment
- Organisational commitment; Factors; Affective organisational commitment
- organisational performance
- Organisational success
- organisations and resources
- Organizational commitment
- organizational theory and practice
- organized for action
- oringaoleifera leaf extract
- orphans
- Outreach
- ovarian cyclicity
- overseeing
- panacea
- Paprika
- parents
- Parity
- parliamentary system
- Participation.
- participatory approach
- Participatory Governance
- Patron behaviour
- patron behavioural challenges
- peacebuilding
- peacebuilding.
- pedagogic possibilities.
- Pedagogical innovation
- Pedagogical innovation.
- pedagogical tool
- Pedagogy
- peer assessment
- people`s participation
- perceptions
- performance
- Performance Management
- performance of pupils
- Performance parameters
- Peri-urban
- perspectives
- PHB3253 and P2859W performance
- philosophy
- Physical Disability
- Phytotoxicity
- plagiarism
- planning
- planning and counsellin
- Planting methods
- Pluralistic Extension
- policy
- policy alternatives
- policy analysis
- policy makers
- policy planning
- policy process
- Policy.
- political
- political dynamics
- political participation
- political parties
- politics.
- poor performance
- poses
- post harvest quality
- Post-colonial Zimbabwe
- post-harvest losses
- potable water
- poverty
- poverty reduction
- practices
- predicting
- prescriptive approach
- prevalence
- Prevention
- preventive stress management
- primary and subsidiary legislation
- Primary education
- primary element
- primary schoo l children
- primary school
- primary schools
- principles
- Prisoners/inmates Career Guidance
- problems
- procedures
- productivity
- profession
- Professional development
- profound
- Prolificacy
- Propagation
- Property management
- prospective teachers
- province
- Psychological challenges
- Psychological contract
- Psychological factors
- public accountability
- public administration
- public and private universities
- public financial administration
- public libraries
- public personnel administration
- public personnel performance appraisal system (PPPAS)
- public policy
- public policy – making different levels and types
- public policy analysis
- public responsibility
- public service
- public university
- Public-private partnerships
- pupils
- qualitative research
- Quality
- Quality assurance
- quality enhancement
- quality Goat
- Quality of Service
- questions
- rabbitry
- rabbits
- ram press sunflower cake
- rape
- rapoko productivity
- rate
- rationality
- rationality and usefulness
- Real Estate management
- Records Management
- reflective practice
- Rehabilitation
- rehabilitation policy
- rehabilitation programmes
- Related literature search and review
- relationship.
- relevance
- reliability
- religious conflict
- reproductive hormones
- Reproductive indicators
- research
- research endeavour
- Research projects
- Resettlement areas
- resettlement scheme
- residual effect
- Resilience
- Resource
- resource conservation
- Resource-driven farming systems
- Respondents
- responsive to people`s needs and wants and public influence.
- responsiveness
- Revenue
- right to information
- Right to reasons
- risk-copingRemove
- risky sexual behavior
- Risky sexual behaviour
- role played
- Root tuber yield
- Rumen degradability
- Rural communities
- Salarygate
- Satellite Schooling
- scalar factor
- school leadership
- School library
- school phobia
- school work
- Schools
- science
- Science education
- sciences
- Scientific communities
- secondary data
- secondary school teachers
- self-assessment
- semasiological analyses
- Semi-arid tropics
- Sensitivity analysis
- separate and differentiated
- service
- Service Delivery
- Sex
- Sexual behaviour
- sexual violence
- Sheep
- shelf life
- Shocks
- Sign language in Zimbabwe
- similarities
- single and dual modes
- slaughter weight
- small holder farmers
- Small scale
- Small scale commercial
- small to medium scale enterprises
- Smallholder
- Smallholder animal agriculture
- smallholder farmer
- smallholder farmers
- SMEs
- social
- social capital
- social media
- social problems
- social protection
- Social representations
- Social sciences
- social services and wellbeing
- society
- Socio- economic transformation
- Socio-Economic
- Socratic Dialectics
- software programmers
- solvents
- Southern africa
- sovereign factor
- soya beans
- span of control
- spatial linkages
- special sciences
- speechreading
- Sport management
- staff retention
- stage of growth
- Stage of lactation
- standards
- Statistics
- statutory instrument
- stigma
- storage
- storage condition
- storage technology
- Strategic Management
- strategic planning
- strategies
- Strategy
- street vendors
- Structural Equation Modelling
- student admission
- student involvement
- student persistence
- Student retention
- Student sustainability
- Student teacher
- student teacher supervision
- Sub Saharan Africa
- sub-processes
- subordinates
- success
- Suckling
- suitability
- sumtotal of truths
- sunflowe
- sunflower heads
- superior
- supervision
- supply chain
- supply chain management
- supply chain resilience
- sustainable development
- Sustainable Development Goals
- synthesize
- Synthetic fertilizer
- system
- tactics and planning
- tangibility
- tax system
- Taxation
- Teacher Education and professional development
- Teacher motivation
- Teaching
- teaching and learning
- teaching methods
- teaching practice
- teaching programmes
- teamwork
- technological future
- technologies
- Technology affordances
- Tele-teaching
- Tele-work
- term paper
- terminological uses
- Tertiary education
- Thematic analysis
- theories and theory; empirically observed principles; understanding; explaining
- Tobacco
- tobacco farming
- tobacco production
- tomato
- tomato leaves
- top of an hierarchic pattern
- total picture
- tourism
- tourism and hospitality sector
- Trade Liberalisation
- traditional approach
- Traditional institutions
- Traditional marking system
- Training
- Transformational Leadership
- transnational corporations
- transparency
- Tropics. Subtropics
- Tuber yield
- turnitin
- tutor effectiveness
- tutorial package and research culture
- tutoring
- ubiquitous learning
- ublic libraries
- uman Rights
- uncontrolled breeding
- unctionalist leadership
- Unemployment
- unhu/Ubuntu
- unity of command
- universal truth
- universality and generality
- University
- university education
- university employees.
- university libraries
- university records
- Urban
- Urban agriculture
- urban public space
- urban schools
- Urban Wetland farming
- Usefulness
- utilization of human resources
- value chain
- vegetable
- vegetables
- vertical and horizontal mergers.
- Vigna unguiculata Walp (L).
- Violence
- violence in Public Libraries
- Vision 2030
- visually impaired
- vitamin C
- vocational training and transition
- Vocational Training.
- voluntary medical male circumcision
- Vulnerability
- vulnerable
- warehousing
- Weaning age
- weed suppression
- Weight
- Westernization
- Women
- women health
- Women in politics
- Women participation
- Women Resources
- wood resources
- work study methods and procedures.
- workplace
- workplace counselling
- xtension
- Year-season
- yield
- Yield Composition
- Yield.
- ZimAsset
- Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe agenda for sustainable socio-economic transformation
- Zimbabwe Open University
- Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU)
- Zimbabwe Open University Midlands library.
- Zimbabwe Prisons
- Zimbabwe state universities
- Zimbabwe Stock Exchange
- Zimbabwean context
- Zimbabwean Universities
- ZOU Masters