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  • Tags: Distance Education

Tsvuura_ Msc LIS Final Project 2013.pdf
Distance education at tertiary level in Zimbabwe has been widely accepted and adopted by many
people. More often, distance education students face difficulties in getting required information
to complete assignments and prepare for examinations.…

Position: 22 (55 views)

This study is an evaluation of the degreed primary school head teachers in Chipinge District
of Manicaland Province. The study used a qualitative case study research design, with
philosophical underpinnings of constructivism and phenomenology. A…

Position: 178 (42 views)

Quality Materials Science Education for Sustainable Development through Distance Learning.pdf
Zimbabwe is rich in human capital and natural resources, and is poised to achieve sustainable growth and
development mainly through human capital development. The purpose of this paper is to explore the use
of open and distance learning (ODL) in…

Position: 151 (43 views)

Pedagogy in Distance Education Mupa.pdf
Distance education has expanded dramatically over the years and has become a needed component in the higher
education landscape especially in this COVID-19 era. Students in distance education need the ability to make
decisions about the quality of…

Position: 65 (48 views)

Pauline Manjengwa .pdf
Firstly, this article examines various definitions of Distance Learning with the aim of enabling
scholars to have a wider perspective of the concept. While the most basic definition relates to
education that takes place when the teacher and…

Position: 45 (50 views)

ODL Institutions.pdf
This study is on graduates’ perceived feelings on how Distance Education (DE) offering institutions in Zimbabwe have empowered them. We asked the question: Is DE an empowering discipline or a passing rage which is being used by most institutions as a…

Position: 101 (45 views)

Kaputa and Tafangombe Distance Education an empowering.pdf
This study is on graduates’ perceived feelings on how Distance Education (DE) offering institutions in Zimbabwe
have empowered them. We asked the question: Is DE an empowering discipline or a passing rage which is being
used by most institutions as…

Position: 151 (43 views)

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