Browse Items (348 total)

Globally, tax authorities are relying on e-government-driven solutions like online tax systems to
communicate with taxpayers in settings for tax collection, administration, and compliance. The
study investigated the impact of online tax system on…

Position: 174 (52 views)

Zvinaiye Chimbadzwa Thesis 26 October 2023.doc
Many practitioners (Wilton, 2011; Abad et al., 2017; Arenas-Torres et al., 2021; Ali et al., 2022) now acknowledge that the diversity of a Board of Directors is a strength in corporate boards and the adoption of diversity in corporate boards is…

Position: 17 (72 views)

ZJBEM Vol 2 Issue 1-1-126-105-114.pdf
The study sought to examine how innovative financial resource mobilisation
projects/programmes enhanced the financial sustainability of the public universities of
Zimbabwe. A combination of correlation and survey research design informed by the…

Position: 19 (70 views)

ZJBEM Vol 2 Issue 1-1-126-80-91.pdf
The paper interrogates the performance of Zimbabwean State Universities and proposes the
integration of strategic management and performance management. The contention was that
the strategic management process could not lead to high institutional…

Position: 41 (62 views)

ZJBEM Vol 2 Issue 1-1-126-80-91.pdf
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the supply chains, and this created acute
shortages of materials and products in both local and global markets. This situation demanded
humanitarian organisations to implement supply chain resilient…

Position: 14 (74 views)

ZJBEM Vol 2 Issue 1-1-126-61-79.pdf
The researcher sought to establish the perceptions of operational staff on their understanding
of organisational success. The perception of organisational success is usually a reflection of
where the owner of the perception stands in the…

Position: 36 (63 views)

ZJBEM Vol 2 Issue 1-1-126-52-60.pdf
This study sought to determine an inclusive framework for education expenditure that enhances
economic development for Zimbabwe. The study used the ARDL-ECM in the determination
of the relationship between the two variables, using data for the…

Position: 31 (64 views)

ZJBEM Vol 2 Issue 1-1-126-40-51.pdf
The study investigated how innovative financial resource mobilisation projects/programmes
improved the financial sustainability of Zimbabwe's public universities. Correlation and survey
research designs guided by positivist research theory were…

Position: 17 (72 views)

ZJBEM Vol 2 Issue 1-1-126-29-39.pdf
Zimbabwe has been classified as being in debt distress and government debt has risen
substantially from just over 48% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2013 to an estimated
82% in 2017. Large fiscal deficits experienced by the country have partly…

Position: 2 (101 views)

ZJBEM Vol 2 Issue 1-1-126-19-28.pdf
The focus of this paper was to examine the warehousing strategies adopted in Zimbabwe to
reduce maize post-harvest storage losses and compare them to those adopted by the United
States of America (USA), Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. The aim…

Position: 31 (64 views)

ZJBEM Vol 2 Issue 1-1-126-11-18.pdf
This study sought to determine a framework of upholding trade liberalism for increased capital
inflows in the form of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for Zimbabwe. The study used the
ARDL-ECM in the determination of the nexus between the two…

Position: 153 (53 views)

Tsvuura_ Msc LIS Final Project 2013.pdf
Distance education at tertiary level in Zimbabwe has been widely accepted and adopted by many
people. More often, distance education students face difficulties in getting required information
to complete assignments and prepare for examinations.…

Position: 23 (68 views)

SDG and Revenue (Moyo and Tashu 2024).pdf
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected domestic revenue mobilization
capacity of governments in Africa which significantly affected Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) implementation trajectory. This chapter focused on
examining the impact…

Position: 27 (65 views)

Muchowe InvestigationoftheStrategiestoRegulatetheUsageofAIChatbotsinHigherEducation.pdf
This study investigates the strategies for regulating the usage of AI
chatbots in higher education to harmonize pedagogical innovation and
cognitive skill development among graduate students. The study adopts a
qualitative methodology that…

Position: 31 (64 views)

MMR2024113-1 Muchowe 1.pdf
Artificial intelligenceis Each and every aspect of our society has been changed by artificial intel-
ligence. Artificial intelligence still a new phenomenon in Zimbabwe. The main thrust Each and
every aspect of our society has been changed by…

Position: 61 (59 views)

Massimo, Mavima, & Kurebwa Evolution of PPPs in Zimbabwe's State Universities.pdf
Despite persuasive heuristics and pragmatic promotion for the use of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
to infuse dynamism into public sector infrastructure development, little is known about their progress in
Zimbabwe's state universities. This…

Position: 36 (63 views)

JPAG-2024-Paper-Dr Massimo.pdf
A weakness of the extant Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) literature to date has been its
normative approach to the subject, creating in effect, a 'one size fits all view' of the
preconditions or Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for the…

Position: 11 (75 views)

This study investigates the strategies for regulating the usage of AI
chatbots in higher education to harmonize pedagogical innovation and
cognitive skill development among graduate students. The study adopts a
qualitative methodology that…

Position: 19 (70 views)

This study investigates the strategies for regulating the usage of AI
chatbots in higher education to harmonize pedagogical innovation and
cognitive skill development among graduate students. The study adopts a
qualitative methodology that…

Position: 11 (75 views)

Empirical Examination of the Correlation between Derivative  Usage and Key Financial Indicators in Botswana.pdf
The study evaluated derivative usage of 21 firms listed on the Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) in relation to
five key financial indicators that included financial gearing, solvency, liquidity, profitability, and firm size. A
logit regression model…

Position: 61 (59 views)

Empirical Evaluation of the Association Between Derivative Markets and Market Faxtors in Zimbabwe and Botswana.pdf
The study evaluated the association between financial markets and financial stability (as measured by bank
credits to deposits), financial efficiency (as measured by bank costs to income ratio), financial access (as
measured by bank accounts per…

Position: 5 (87 views)

Chingwaro, Muchowe, and Njaya Harnessing Machine Learning and AI.pdf
The study explores the transformative power of utilizing machine learning and artificial intelligence
for early fraud detection among banks in Harare, Zimbabwe using qualitative research. Data
were collected through document reviews and in-depth…

Position: 6 (83 views)

Chimbadzwa, Dube and Guveya.pdf
Board diversity is a topical discourse in firm governance and
management. Diversity came up as a way of eliminating
discrimination in employment and making sure there is equality,
inclusion and affirmative action in the way firms do business.…

Position: 19 (70 views)

Chidaushe, & Njaya Estimating a Regression Model on Role of AI on Derivative Markets.pdf
The study explored the role of Artificial intelligence on the stability, efficiency, depth, and access
of derivative markets during the period 2009 to 2021. The study used mixed method research.
Cross sectional data of 60 countries from North…

Position: 51 (60 views)

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