Browse Items (7 total)

  • Tags: poverty

SDG and Revenue (Moyo and Tashu 2024).pdf
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected domestic revenue mobilization
capacity of governments in Africa which significantly affected Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) implementation trajectory. This chapter focused on
examining the impact…

Position: 31 (53 views)

Mozambique like many other developing countries has faced lack of information and
sometimes there is no detailed information about the poverty and inequality at district levels.
This research investigates the quality of growth in Sofala province, a…

Position: 230 (40 views)

Mini livestock is a sustainable form of animal production that
has significant potential for alleviating malnutrition and food
insecurity in Southern Africa. It should be considered as a normal
component of livestock and rural development which…

Position: 302 (37 views)

pub full prof HIV.pdf
This study sought to explore the perspectives of young women in Masvingo with the aim of better informing them on
HIV prevention. Focus group discussions and interviews were used to explore issues relating to HIV prevention. An
inductive content…

Position: 65 (48 views)

Poverty and Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa.pdf
The desktop study is on poverty and underdevelopment, which continues to be a matter of concern in the
developing world. According to Chen and Ravallion (2008), about 1.4 billion people (one in four) lived
on less than $1.25 a day in 2005. The…

Position: 309 (36 views)

Mbwirire and Madubani;   Psychological Challenges.pdf
This study sought to identify psychological challenges affecting primary school orphans in Wanganui Community in Zimbabwe. The study
employed a mixed method approach combining questionnaires with teachers and care givers, interview sessions with…

Position: 338 (34 views)

ImpactMaster Farmer  Training Rapoko.pdf
The study’s main aim was to evaluate the impact of gender household targeted training (added to technical skills acquired) on
decision making and planning on food and income security. Determining the level of women participation in household…

Position: 309 (36 views)

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