Browse Items (9 total)

  • Tags: higher education

Muchowe InvestigationoftheStrategiestoRegulatetheUsageofAIChatbotsinHigherEducation.pdf
This study investigates the strategies for regulating the usage of AI
chatbots in higher education to harmonize pedagogical innovation and
cognitive skill development among graduate students. The study adopts a
qualitative methodology that…

Position: 24 (54 views)

Massimo, Mavima, & Kurebwa Evolution of PPPs in Zimbabwe's State Universities.pdf
Despite persuasive heuristics and pragmatic promotion for the use of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
to infuse dynamism into public sector infrastructure development, little is known about their progress in
Zimbabwe's state universities. This…

Position: 35 (52 views)

This study investigates the strategies for regulating the usage of AI
chatbots in higher education to harmonize pedagogical innovation and
cognitive skill development among graduate students. The study adopts a
qualitative methodology that…

Position: 14 (60 views)

This study investigates the strategies for regulating the usage of AI
chatbots in higher education to harmonize pedagogical innovation and
cognitive skill development among graduate students. The study adopts a
qualitative methodology that…

Position: 12 (62 views)

Phillipa Mutswanga Dphil Thesis.pdf
The study qualitatively employed the phenomenology design to explore the
experiences of the 32 participants selected through snowballing and purposive
sampling to establish the extent to which Zimbabwean Universities enabled deaf
people to access,…

Position: 51 (49 views)

The study sought to analyse the expectations and perceptions of students towards the
quality of service delivered through Open and Distance Learning (ODL). The study
focused on learners at the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU). The Zimbabwe…

Position: 87 (46 views)

This study sought to find out staff retention strategies in selected Zimbabwe’s two public and
two private universities. Three Human Resources personnel who were selected using stakeholder
sampling and four Retained and seven Returnee lecturers who…

Position: 102 (45 views)

Key note speaker- Prof. Anuar A.doc
In the light of globalisation and the world’s ever-changing social and economic landscape, higher education is now universally considered a critical force in contributing towards sustainable development. To enhance and improve higher education…

Position: 229 (40 views)

The focus of the study was on the assessment of students’ attitudes towards both being assessed by and assessing
other students’ work.Concerns about graduate employment issues, the world over, suggest that employers are
concerned by the lack of…

Position: 273 (38 views)

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