Browse Items (348 total)

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have gained an important role in development co-
operation during the last two decades. The development funding channelled through NGOs has
increased and the number of NGOs engaged in development activities,…

Position: 102 (45 views)

The cabbage aphid is of agricultural concern vectoring at least 20 viral pathogens in crucifers. The
aphids have demonstrated tolerance to a number of synthetic pesticides. Botanical pesticides are
reasonably sustainable and effective in…

Position: 87 (46 views)

The effect of Herbicides on Residual Effects...done.pdf
An experiment was set up to evaluate the residual effect of atrazine in cowpea production under conservation
agriculture. The trial was superimposed on a previous herbicide trial of a maize crop in 2012/2013 season. The
experiment was laid out in a…

Position: 102 (45 views)

African nations are taking the route of small to medium enterprises (MSMEs) and
the contribution of micro enterprises to national development can no longer be
ignored or taken for granted. The contribution of SMEs to national budgets has

Position: 229 (40 views)

‘Setting the Record Straight’ – Disambiguating ‘Metaphysics’.pdf
So much mystery and confusion have surrounded the metaphysics branch of philosophy since the very coinage of the term “metaphysics”. In fact advances in research in the domain of metaphysics have not made the conceptualisation any easier; if anything…

Position: 119 (44 views)

Causes of child death were identified; strategies and policies were put in place to help minimize child
death. The challenge is that the service quality is being ignored which is leading to more child deaths. . The
research sought to address the…

Position: 102 (45 views)

Tsvuura Mbawuya and Ngulube publication 2021 cloud records storage.pdf
This study investigated the challenges and prospects of creating and storing records in
the cloud by Zimbabwe Open University in Zimbabwe. Like other universities in
Zimbabwe, the university adopted Education 5.0 advocated by the government…

Position: 197 (41 views)

The study sought to make a systematic and critical comparative analysis of the distribution of land
between men and women in the three regions of Asia, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa in order
to establish if there was any discrimination…

Position: 257 (39 views)

This study sought to find out staff retention strategies in selected Zimbabwe’s two public and
two private universities. Three Human Resources personnel who were selected using stakeholder
sampling and four Retained and seven Returnee lecturers who…

Position: 102 (45 views)

ZJBEM Vol 2 Issue 1-1-126-19-28.pdf
The focus of this paper was to examine the warehousing strategies adopted in Zimbabwe to
reduce maize post-harvest storage losses and compare them to those adopted by the United
States of America (USA), Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. The aim…

Position: 24 (54 views)

A Critical Analysis of Counselling Principles that Teachers could Use as Teaching Methods to Resolve Intra-Personal Conflict of Learners with Disabilities in Zimbabwe.pdf
Using authors’ experiences and related literature, this opinion-based paper analysed and justified how counselling principles could be used to resolve the intra-personal conflicts and issues of learners with disabilities both as agents of change and…

Position: 197 (41 views)

54.HS1409-098 vendors publication.pdf
The presence of both male and female street vendors with hearing impairment on the city of Harare streets particularly young mothers gave impetus to this study. The study focused on identification of causes, effects and remedies to the issue of…

Position: 65 (48 views)

The study sought to investigate factors hindering increased access to higher education in
Zimbabwe. The study was prompted by the increased number of A-level graduates who are
failing to get the opportunity to university education yet higher…

Position: 36 (52 views)

The study addressed the challenges of low cereal production in the Central Region of
Mozambique. There is a persistent low level cereal production as evidenced by acute hunger
prevailing in the region, despite the condusive environment, example…

Position: 178 (42 views)

Tsvuura and Ngulube 2021 A framework for digitilisation of records.pdf
This research study investigates the digitisation of records and archives at two selected state
universities in Zimbabwe, namely, Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) and Harare Institute of
Technology (HIT). The two state universities have embarked on…

Position: 119 (44 views)

A Paradox- Library Scholars Not Using the Library Electronic Resource.pdf
The advent of electronic resources in university circles towards the end of the 20th century ushered a novel and fresh landmark for library patrons, as such resources offered timely and current sources of information. The Zimbabwe Open University…

Position: 178 (42 views)

A Qualitative Study on Best Practices in Technology Affordances_ Prof Kabanda.pdf
The emergence and growth of unethical leadership in the corporate world in Zimbabwe militate against competitiveness of the nation. Governance issues of higher education institutions in Zimbabwe have affected their strategic response to new…

Position: 229 (40 views)

A Relook At The Usefulness Of Indigenous Knowledge Systems.pdf
Using the qualitative approach, the study determined views of Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Master of Science in Counselling (MScC) students on the usefulness of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) in counselling. Data was collected from purposively…

Position: 257 (39 views)

Nov 2017 Thesis.pdf
Faced with recurrent droughts and other extreme weather events, subsistence farming
communities found in arid and semi-arid regions of the world have continuously utilized
inherent experiences and alternative livelihood sources to cope with adverse…

Position: 51 (49 views)

This study determined that the availability of capacity to implement Results Based Management
(RBM) is a major determinant of the success or failure of the strategy. The purpose of the study was
to investigate the main factors that impacted on the…

Position: 197 (41 views)

Published access and success.pdf
The study sought to determine distance education students’ experiences in access to and success in e-
learning endeavours. The study was qualitative as the questionnaire used as a data-gathering
instrument had both closed and open-ended sections…

Position: 6 (71 views)

pub full prof access and success.pdf
The study sought to determine distance education students’ experiences in access to and success in e-
learning endeavours. The study was qualitative as the questionnaire used as a data-gathering
instrument had both closed and open-ended sections…

Position: 51 (49 views)

Development suggests a change of an irreversible nature, the characteristics of which are determined by
that which is being developed. This involves moving from an existing to an end state, through a process
(R.S. Peters and Hirst). As African…

Position: 273 (38 views)

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